Balance doesn’t have to be 50:50

So there I was, I had just decided on Balanced Doctor as my company name and bought the domain to go with it. I really felt pretty pleased with myself after hours of contemplation and brainstorming. So I was not prepared for the reaction from a friend. 

"Balance is so unrealistic! It just sets people up to fail when they cannot achieve a 50: 50 split between work and home." 

This wasn't what I needed to hear but it did make me think about what balance actually is to me and what it obviously means to others. Balance for me is an equilibrium that can adapt to life in the current moment. Life is never static and neither is the balance you search for. Wherever you are in life right now it is one phase of so many that have been and many that are still to come. There are times when life is more focused on professional matters, career building and business development. Becoming a parent provides a huge shift in our priorities and naturally starts to shift the balance towards our children. 

Over a lifetime the balance swings to and from. It is important to be authentic to yourself and where you are currently. Don't look for the balance you think you should have or the one you see others aspiring to. Create the balance that you need. Prioritize your values and what is important for you in the moment.

My last few weeks have been super full with exciting opportunities for my coaching practice and my speaker roles. My balance was definitely shifted for a while so I could focus on my upcoming projects. Did I feel guilty because of that shift? For a moment yes, I felt bad that I had spent two full weekends at my desk. Then I asked myself where I needed to be, my desk was the right answer for that moment in time. Then the equilibrium shifted once more when I achieved what I had set out to do and the balance slid back.

Give yourself permission to create a flexible balance. Day by day, month by month or as the stages of life pass with time. Having a flexible, adaptable and malleable balance provides the opportunity to not feel so guilty that you are neglecting something while your attention is elsewhere as you can be confident that the balance will tip back. A rigid, fixed view of balance is what my friend had the day she told me she thought it was unrealistic. 

Balance is definitely not a fixed point on a scale. It is a variable, something that ebbs and flows and wherever we find ourselves on the scale is good for now as long as we are being authentic.

For me the whole purpose behind Balanced Doctor is to be able to support you as you find the flexible balance you need to live authentically and in an equilibrium that works for you. When your whole person is in balance, whatever that looks like to you in this moment, you’ll feel great!

Your first step towards feeling in balance is to click here and we can have a virtual coffee to get to know each other. I will explain how I can help you find the balance that has slipped away and you can have all your questions answered about how we can work together.


Strategies for Success: Drawing your day


Doctor & More Dr Denise Wunderler DO, FAOASM