You deserve the life you want—now, not later.

Let’s figure out what’s holding you back from thriving.


You are already successful.

You have achieved so much. You’ve made sacrifices, stood strong, and shown resilience while climbing the ladder. Your career is flourishing.

But you are exhausted. Stretched thin. Work/life balance is a myth, you think.

You are juggling job, home, and family (and forget about hobbies!). You are giving your all, but there’s still not enough of you to go around. Is this really the life you wanted?
(Hint: probably not.)

Good news: you can be in control of your time and your life.


It starts with defining the life you do want. I work with you to with order your priorities, set goals, and create plans to take actionable steps toward a well-ordered life.

I founded Balanced Doctor because I know exactly what it feels like to be where you are now.

I know what it’s like to navigate the unique challenges and pressures of being a health professional. I know how it feels to love your work and your family and strive to excel in both. I am uniquely qualified to lead you through this process.

The Calm, Confident and In Control Program


Developed to help you regain control of your life and your time. You will be able to maximize your time both at work and at home so you can spend more time with the people you love, doing the things you enjoy and having more time for yourself.

Discover and learn about what really matters to you. You will gain clarity on your values, strengths, goals and dreams. Develop strategies to change life from rushed and hectic to simple and relaxed. You will be able to control your time and your calendar.

Feel more productive and calm that you’ve got this! Contemplate ideas and create plans that will be successful for you and your family. Continue to be professionally successful while you start to thrive again personally.

As a business owner, husband and father my time is limited and energy output is finite. I have built a thriving practice over the last three years but it has left me feeling exhausted and overwhelmed much of the time. Working with Karen changed that. Her valuable insight and structured coaching quickly got me back to feeling as energetic and motivated as I was when I first opened my practice.

— Christian R, Physical Therapist, Arkansas

Dr. Karen’s Philosophy



No prescriptions allowed.

I am fully committed to you and your agenda. This is not a prescribed program with steps to follow—our time together is 100% driven by what you want and need.

You are the expert on your life.

Your hopes and aspirations drive our sessions. Your inner wisdom guides our steps. Deep down, you know what you need, and it’s my job to ask the right questions to uncover those needs.

Your plan is the best plan.

Decisions and plans are so much more powerful when you create them. I am not selling my method for success, but helping you figure out your method for success.


No judgment. Ever.

I will never be judgmental about what you share with me, and I will never share it with others. My coaching approach is unbiased and works in ways beyond how your family and friends can support you. 

I am your champion.

I am here to champion you. I’m on your team. I support you through the exploration and the challenges of creating change. I am your accountability partner, ensuring you stay motivated to reach your goals.

We celebrate together.

I love watching you make progress and acknowledging your success. I’m the first to celebrate your wins. Dance parties! Virtual fistbumps!


Balanced Doctor Coaching Menu


Virtual Coffee or Tea?

There’s so much value in a real conversation! I’d love to get to know you. Just two people chatting over a cup of tea or coffee. We both get the opportunity to learn about each other and for you to learn about how Balanced Doctor coaching can help you. I want to know how I can support you and best create a bespoke coaching plan just for you.

I promise there is no sales pitch at the end because it’s just as awkward for me as it is for you!


Signature Coaching

1:1 bespoke coaching sessions designed to bring you the most benefit from your time. For individuals who want an exclusive coaching experience.

Based upon the Calm, Confident and In Control Program.

Coaching packages available to dive deeper and create sustainable changes.

Masterminds and workshops

Join other physicians, dentists and professionals who want to regain control over their time, be more productive and feel calmer.

Based upon the Calm, Confident and In Control Program.

Find a sense of community and confidence.


How It Works

Our sessions happen over an online video call. We can work together wherever you are or whichever time zone you are in. No time is wasted travelling to your session! If you are local to Bentonville, Arkansas, I would love to meet in person.


Dr. Karen Tindall is a certified Whole Person Life Coach and an Associate Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation.